About Us

Our Story

Welcome to GGC WORLD X

My name is Gretchen Conyers and I founded GGC World X to help build a community that can reset, connect and ultimately feel their best. Through my products, workshops and services, there is a variety of creative ways to achieve this goal. The idea of GGC World X was created from a personal experience of self-realization. I recognized that my emotional and physical being wasn’t in alignment and that I wasn’t following my true path. This realization led me to build something sincerely authentic and powerful.

One of the most important methods to help others reset and reconnect is through an art process experience. Art has always been one of my favorite tools to express creativity and reconnect to myself. This process can be built in to team buildings, summer parties, birthday parties, as well as mini workshops. Depending on the experience the process will adapt and certainly impact the client in a beautiful, creative way!

GGC World X is all about collaborating and working together to create wins all around. It’s important for me to create a safe space for the community to feel passionate and authentic to who they are and what they want to do. Join us on the journey!

Gretchen Conyers

Gretchen Conyers

Owner / Creative Director

The Process

The creative painting process is one of my absolute favorites to teach. If you are someone who doesn’t consider themselves an artist or thinks they would never be good at it, you will value this workshop more than others. Prior to creating GGC World X, I lacked confidence as an artist and didn’t truly consider myself worthy of being called one. I didn’t even feel eligible enough to buy art supplies.

This was my mindset until a friend helped shift this perspective. I discovered that I could explore with art and see where it took me without the anxiety or expectation of what the outcome would be. Once I removed the pressures of trying to paint something magnificent and just let my mind, body and spirit connect, I was able to reconnect. I realized it was an incredible tool to help me meditate and clarify my desires and purpose, while creating something beautiful!

This process involves setting time aside for yourself to truly explore with art and get creative. I believe everyone has an inner artist and many have not connected to that side of them. I am here to create a safe and creative space to help guide you through that. 

The Process

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